25 Years of Discipleship

An important marker has just passed, I celebrated on 11 October 2012, twenty-five years of faith. On 11 October 1987, I was baptised in the pool at Saint Andrews Preparatory School, Grahamstown, marking a life yielded and surrendered to the Gospel of Christ. My life purpose became surrendered to furthering the interests of the Kingdom of God.  As I reflect on the past 25-years I have had moments when I have doubted my progress in growing spiritually, somethings have changed radically while others, very little.  What seems evident is that my world view has settled on the perception that we all exist in 4 states:  the ideal state reflecting the dream of the dreamer (life purpose); the present state, reflecting DNA, socialised identity, personal narrative and history (memory) and the stolen state (nightmare) of the enemy of God.  Our carnal nature seems well aligned to working to responding to the latter state.  In response, the Dreamer incarnationally comes as Christ to redeem His dream and so we now have the redeemed state 4th state.

25 Years of Discipleship